


[08/09/97]卓俊辰  t08002@cc.ntnu.edu.tw

  隨著時代進步,生活與休閒的品質越受重視,提醒所有婦女朋友平時一定要有適度規律的健身運動,以確保擁有過高品質生活與休閒的基本健康條件,更何況運動還是解決現代人普遍而又嚴重的運動不足症(Hypokinetic Diseases)--如冠狀心臟病,高血壓,糖尿病,肥胖症和下背痛(Lower Back Pain)最自然又有效的方法。

  通常健身運動是以健康體適能(Health-related Physical Fitness)的四大要素為依據,亦即完整的健身運動應該包括下列方向的效果:1.心肺耐力(Cardiorespiratory Endurance);2.肌肉適能(Muscular Fitness);3.關節柔軟度(Flexibility);4.身體組成(Body Composition)--以脂肪百分比為主。


  工作和家務再忙都不應該是婦女朋友沒有規律運動的藉口,但看是否有正確的觀念與認知,作法其實不難,盼望大家盡早注意這個問題並祝福各位多運動常健康! :)

[08/09/97]黃素津  homemakr@ms15.hinet.net


[08/30/97]卓俊辰  t08002@cc.ntnu.edu.tw

Physical Activity and Sport in the Lives of Girls

  "Physical Activity and Sport in the Lives of Girls", a new report published by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (of the United States), is the first government report taking an interdisciplinary approach to examine the impact of sports and physical activity on all aspects of a girl's life. Specific conclusions of the report are:

  1. Girls' early involvement in physical activity and sport can reduce their likelihood of developing a number of chronic diseases and unhealthy conditions, such as coronary heart disease and high cholesterol.
  2. Regular physical activity can help girls build greater peak bone mass, thereby reducing adult risk of osteoporosis.
  3. Exercise and sport participation can enhance mental health by offering adolescent girls positive feelings about body image, improved self-esteem, tangible experiences of competency and success, and increased self-confidence. It can also help with academic achievement.





[09/03/97]卓俊辰  t08002@cc.ntnu.edu.tw

  抱歉! 中文打字很慢:


  1. 女生年輕早期參與運動可以減少罹患如冠狀心臟病和高膽固醇症等慢性病與不健康情況;
  2. 規律運動有助女生早儲骨本而降低成年罹患骨質疏鬆症;
  3. 從事運動能增進青少年女生心理健康像成功經驗與自信心, 也有利於學業。

電子信箱 婦女論壇 since 1998.6.1